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Find Your Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Here

Why Do You Only Charge A One-Time Fee?

Our fees reflect the hours it takes to complete your desired virtual session and your session only requires a one and done experience. In order for you to receive the most complete energy work possible in a timely manner, we must complete the session within the visit currently presented. Our sessions are performed, while you sleep, or while you are in a safe environment (as directed by you in your reply email). Each session has a set of parameters that must be met on the morphogenic field. These access experiences require diligent consecutive duties and specific targeted applications to be completed on your behalf. These virtual sessions are extremely unique and require a specific amount of energy direction, ensuring the highest possible standards in the field of energy work. Due to our unique Virtual Energy Superconscious sessions, we accomplish everything you require under a one-time fee so you are not required to purchase unnecessary or unneeded additional energy work. We provide a complete Keynote Booklet PDF (included in your end of session email) that takes you step by step through your unique personalized session, explains in detail your specific session's energy experience, shows you your specially designed placeholder marker with directions for maintenance, and shares your uniquely designed assignments for superconscious access and activation.

What is the Virtual Superconscious Energy Life Coaching Session?

Virtual life coaching is coaching that is completed on the highest level of the Morphogenic Field. Utilizing our unique energy superconscious delivery systems, we represent your entire coaching experience to manifest in a specific order over the time you request, most times, people choose one year, to achieve one's highest level of manifestation according to chosen life desires. We are able to setpoint the 3, 6, 9, and 12 month periods into the field, waiting for you to review your desired aspirations at those specific times when they occur from the setpoints that you have set at the beginning of your virtual life coaching session. Understand that the morphogenic field does not exist in a linear realm, so, as you complete your homework assignments, as well as your checkpoints for your coaching sessions, many different scenarios may manifest into your life that you have presented/requested through your email answers and resulting presentation package. You may email us and call our support line with questions once you have purchased your life coaching package and we have begun your presentation into the field.

Why Don't I need to book an Intake Session?

Evans Energetics has found a way to combine your intake sessions with the body of your virtual superconscious sessions. Intake questions are included in the first email, the Master Email, you receive after you purchased your specific virtual superconscious energy session. Aligning with the most effective efficient manner to promote your session into the field, the initial intake information you provide is considered in the email that we send you after purchase. Evans Energetics values you and we want to give you the best opportunity to align your ideas, wants and desires, so you can contemplate each answer instead of a superficial response over the phone. The respect and integrity  required for our virtual superconscious energy sessions to manifest in the morphogenic field is at a premium level. You must realize that the answers you return to us in order for us to go forward with your purchased virtual superconscious energy sessions must be considered extremely sacred. You are sharing your deepest desires from your soul, and that should never be taken lightly. So acknowledging your initial email conference will definitely need contemplation and deep reflection from you before responding with the answers that you instruct us to present universally on your behalf.

Why can't I achieve my goals?

Instead of going for what we love in life, we listen to our unconscious mind tell us that we can not achieve what we love. Our unconscious mind reflects the feelings of worthless attempts to try and get what we want because it is trying to look out for us and keep us safe. Our unconscious mind has an agenda to keep us safe and it has achieved this safe environment for us in the past, by storing in our memories, everything that we have encountered that did not hurt us. In other words, if we avoided getting hurt by giving all of our money to a thief, then our unconscious mind is going to remind us that we stay safe when we give all our money away. This type of reasoning has been embedded in our unconscious minds, our memory banks, since birth, and moving on throughout our entire life to the present.


Keeping us safe according to the unconscious mind, means we settle for the negative circumstance and safe feelings which are bonded together. Our ego conscious mind had to learn to play along, so it provided us with the negative self-talk so we could understand the language of our unconscious mind, now verbalized through the ego conscious mind and stamped into our memory as an experience that has always kept us safe. 


Replaying safe negative circumstances over and over in our mind’s memories compounded throughout our entire life has become an embedded habit that we have welcomed as a familiar circumstance. This habit, like any other habit, has its “beginning set up scenarios” embedded  so deep and far into our DNA, the habit spans the course of 16 generations past. We don't even question when this negative circumstance belief, activates the negative attached feelings that keeps us in our unwanted life circumstances. 


It is so difficult to make our dreams come true because our unconscious wants and desires do not match the feelings, scenarios, and circumstance that our proven memories demand to keep us safe.. When we wake up to this discrepancy and realize our unconscious mind has been running generational tested safety risk protocols that our ancestors unknowingly were embedded  with and this embedded negative belief system continued without question, as "just the way things were done"

a new scenario that we attempt to introduce into our life, like wealth or a loving relationship, gets squashed and annihilated like an annoying bug before we even finish the thought. After decades of squashing thoughts, our unconscious has triumphed at keeping us safe and it sends our conscious mind an unconscious message directly from our embedded belief system at an unconscious almost subliminal warning, that we should "not try to change" things and "leave "things as they are". Eventually, we stop trying and we keep the thread of negative embedded beliefs intact.


When the unconscious knows the old, negative circumstance works just fine, why would it risk our safety for a new thought (love) that brings a new feeling (happiness) and creates a relaxed life (fulfillment) to be manifested when it is an untested circumstance and will possibly bring harm into

our life? It wouldn’t.       


Evans Energetics has virtual sessions to help you remove your unwanted unconscious negative embedded beliefs so you will finally be able to start the process of aligning yourself with your true wants and desires.  Of course, none of this happens unless you do your part by taking action through doing your daily homework (as presented in the instructional email we send you after your session is complete. The assignments are the key and have been proven to create results, across all energy therapies, and across all proven studies.

What is the Virtual Superconscious Energy R.O.A.R. Session?

The Virtual R.O.A.R. Session Process Overview


The Steps

R: Rewrite your embedded belief script

O: Overwrite your new script with the feelings that will manifest them into reality

A: Alignment of your new wanted desires with your new feelings

R: Replacement of all old negative belief structures with your new belief designed actions 


When you purchase our virtual R.O.A.R. Session you will be provided with the intricacies of the process including instruction for superconscious activation and instruction on our unique placeholder activation.


You need help with your setup at least at the beginning stages (every foreign avenue you choose for your life usually requires an instructor) and virtual energy is no different, you are new to virtual dynamics and you need help. Identifying your desired realities is not as easy as you might think, you need help designing the right questions to ask. You need help with your presentation into the morphogenic field (someone needs to set your placeholder "marker" for you), you need help accessing your superconscious until you can do it yourself, you need Evans Energetics,  we are here to help you.


Why do I need help navigating the morphogenic field and why do I need a placeholder marker identifier for success?

Motivational speakers, unfocused life coaches and self-help authors may have missed the fact that real desired change needs to be done on the superconscious level, which is the only level you can access and change your sabotaging identities within your resistance structure. The morphogenic field's influence must be recognized before any wants or desires manifests into your life.  All helpful professionals, whether superconsciously focused or not, are genuine. These coaches, speakers and authors truly wish to effect positive change in your life. It's a fact, we need navigational help, in a foreign place that we've never been before. Evans energetics has discovered a way to help you navigate through the foreign aspects of the morphogenic universal field. Through your virtual sessions we superconsciously present your identifying information and design a placeholder "Marker" for you which will serve as your anchor spot, communication target and and unique identifier within the field and also within the field's many dimensions. This "Marker" remains in the morphogenic field forever, you may choose to change, reset, or update the information attached to your "Marker" at any time you choose. We explain and illustrate this technique in your "end of session email" you receive after any of our purchased sessions are completed.

What is meant by Anchoring a Meditation or Anchoring an Active Experience?

Anchoring a meditation, or physical experience using hand gestures and symbols is an easy way for you to access a meditation and relive the positive effects without going through the entire meditative process again.
Christopher Duncan, in his book, You're Not Broken: 5 Steps To Become Superconscious and Activate Your Magic, refers to the ability to recall energetic processes from an anchored setpoint (like a hand position), whether newly learned or reviewed from an older experience, at any moment you desire to engage the feelings from the process you have designed and wish to revisit. Previously set "points" from earlier engaged meditations, for example, may simply be re-experienced by first relaxing into a meditative state and then using hand gestures (like creating an okay sign) and symbols (like recalling a colored geometric design) to recall the energy of the process you wish to revisit.
In all Keynote booklets offered by Evans Energetics (received after every completed session) there are references to using hand gestures and symbols to re-live active experiences, meditative experiences, and energy healing experiences. The most common symbol is the OK sign, but there are other finger positions creating circles or other hand gestures creating fingertip connections you may use at your choosing.

What is the Virtual Superconscious Energy Clearing Blocks Session?

As previously mentioned, instead of going for what we love in life, we listen to our unconscious mind tell us that we cannot achieve what we love. Our unconscious mind reflects the feelings that we are worthless, and blocks attempts we make to try and get what we want to manifest into our life. Our unconscious it is trying to look out for us and keep us safe. This unconscious mind of ours has an "agenda" to keep us safe and it has achieved this safe environment for us in the past, by storing in our memories everything that we have encountered that did not hurt us. In other words, if we avoided getting hurt by giving all of our money to a thief, then our unconscious mind is going to remind us that we stay safe when we give all our money away. This type of reasoning has been embedded in our unconscious minds, in our memory banks, and in our DNA since birth, and moving on throughout our entire life to the present. This embedded reasoning has become our unconscious blocks, our negative self-talk, and our controller protector which has done a great job maintaining our safety by keeping us poor, sick and overweight. 


Keeping us safe according to the unconscious mind, means we settle for feeling safe even if it brings negative circumstances in our life. Our ego conscious mind had to learn to play along, so it provided us with the negative self-talk so we could understand the language of our unconscious mind, now verbalized through our ego conscious mind and stamped into our memory as an experience that has always kept us safe. Replaying safe negative circumstances over and over in our mind’s memories compounded throughout our entire life has become an embedded habit that we have welcomed as a familiar circumstance. 


It is so difficult to make our dreams come true, to lose weight, to get healthy and to make some money because all of our wants and desires do not match the feelings, scenarios and circumstance that our proven memories demand. When we wake up to this discrepancy and realize our subconscious (manipulator) and unconscious (storehouse) mind have been running generational tested safety risk protocols that our ancestors allowed without question, a new scenario that we attempt to introduce into our life, like wealth or a loving relationship, gets squashed and annihilated like an annoying bug. This sends us a conscious message directly from our unconscious mind, that we should not try to change things. Eventually we stop trying and we keep the thread of negative embedded beliefs intact.


When the unconscious knows the old, negative circumstance works just fine, why would it risk our safety for a new thought (love) that brings a new feeling (happiness) and creates a relaxed life (fulfillment) to allow an untested circumstance into our life? It wouldn’t.       


The truth about these unconscious agendas is that they are embedded in your memories as truth. When you challenge these unconscious agendas, you are actually going for something that you want or you're going for something you don’t want. Knowing what your unconscious agenda is saying, knowing that the language of the unconscious may not have your best interest at heart, and knowing the unconscious agenda has the ulterior motive of stopping what you are going for, allows you to recognize it, confront it, and disengage it.


After Evans Energetics helps you confront blocks and disengage them by completing our Virtual Superconscious Energy Clearing Blocks Session, you gain a designated clear pathway to the unified field and you can institute the laws of magnetism (different from the laws of attraction) because you will now magnetize into your life the things your ”new person” who has disengaged your blocks to achieve your goals, proven by the feelings you now have chosen to embed into your being so your unconscious mind no longer overrides you but helps you achieve your desired reality (DR) goals. Only then, will your journey begin free of blocks.

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