Evans Energetics
Instructional Disclaimer
WELCOME: To all people who realize that the journey to develop personal growth is the responsibility of the owner of that personal growth journey itself. If you seek ultimate directives from the universe, they may require the acknowledgement of your own true individual interests and desires which must happen for you to achieve enlightenment and for you to take part in the actions necessary to achieve the personal growth you seek. Universal field energy innovation requires help and instruction. Results depend upon your participation and results are never guaranteed, but we are ready to help anyone willing to help themselves. Energizing your true wants and desires through our superconsciousness virtual sessions, requires first your reverence and then your readiness to receive the instruction needed to change the parameters of your life's journey. Together we will seek superconscious activation for your soul's greatest and highest good. Only when your soul receives respectful direction, will your desires manifest into your physical reality. We have studied and mastered this energy field for over 10 years. You may choose to study for 10 years to appease your skepticism, or you can embark on a journey that will open your consciousness to the new frontiers and the new possibilities that await to be experienced as you seek a better life. Hang on and enjoy the ride.
COPYRIGHT: The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. It is offered for your personal use and may be considered for educational purposes with proper citation. The contents of this website is considered copyrighted material. While we strive to present ALL information in the most current and up-to-date version available for your knowledge and personal use. We make no representations or guarantees of any kind; expressed or implied; about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability with respect to the material presented on this site including the "Superconscious Virtual Sessions" we offer. The Information offered here in different formats: TEXT, AUDIO, GRAPHICS, PHOTOS and EBOOKS etc… presented on this site are COPYRIGHTED and are provided for your knowledge and enlightenment, please give artists and authors the respect they deserve.
CERTIFICATES: If we show our certificates of learning, it is simply to let you know we take our education seriously. Our energy therapy modalities encompass all of our learned certifications (whether self-taught or under professional tutoring). We are considered general practitioners of Morphogenic Unified Field Energy and we provide personal growth experiences for our clients.
YOUR OWN RISK: Any conviction or interpretation; you, the reader/client; place on any self-interpreted information presented on this site; in part or in whole; is strictly at your own risk. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including but not limited to; indirect or consequential bodily injury or physical damage, or any other bodily changes related to implied or real loss or damage whatsoever arising from the misinterpretation or purported interpretation of virtual, printed, or verbalized data presented here. We cannot guarantee results: as results will differ from person to person; and will depend upon the individual’s effort given to completion of required return of information, assignments, homework, and practice. You, the reader/client, are making the decision to try any suggestions presented in our superconscious virtual sessions. Please consult your healthcare practitioner at your discretion should you choose to implement any of the methods or courses contained on this website.
GUARANTEES: There are no guarantees to your success. And NO refunds will be given. Rarely, there are people whose consciousness resists our virtual sessions, should we need your help. We will email you one time for you to do a self-meditation to tell your consciousness, that we have permission to embed a placeholder marker and attach it to your commands. Also, we would need you to say the words out loud to your consciousness requesting that your consciousness allow us to access your auric Field and create the suggestions that you're wants and desires be heard and acknowledged. Your consciousness may need a direct command from you for us to proceed with the virtual session. Usually this is successful and we have never had a problem afterward.
STANDARD: No part of this Website, including eBooks may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted by any means – including electronic transfer, photocopying and/or recording - without expressly written and signed permission from the author(s). This website may be used for personal use or educational purposes with proper citation.